Create a universal social bond of love between HAVEs and HAVE NOTs...

Emergency   COVID-19   relief drive…

COVID-19   has hit the extreme poor more than any of us. As we all practice social distancing let us not distance ourselves from the most vulnerable whose survival depends on our generosity.

…..as a response to the war against corona virus pandemic, Blue Crescent Education & Welfare Trust with the help of donors is providing relief to the most vulnerable, particularly old persons, daily wager laborers, and street vendors.

We at, BLUE CRESCENT EDUCATION & WELFARE TRUST, do the following activities:

  • Providing RATION (GROCERY) to the poor and needy families.
  • Arranging MEDICAL CAMPS in rural and urban areas.
  • Providing monthly SCHOLARSHIPS to the needy students.
  • Assisting schools in providing basic education to the students, in rural and urban areas with infrastructure development as well as study materials under our SCHOOL BAG DISTRIBUTION program.